Why Hospitality Perfect Employees Are Ghosting

Hospitality Perfect Employees KSB Recruitment


Have you found yourself in the situation recently where you thought you had found perfect employees for your establishment, only to have them not turn up for their first day of work?

Are you a hospitality job seeker who was in conversation with a couple of different places and didn’t decide which one to go for until the last minute?

Enter the world of ghosting.

‘Ghosting’ is becoming increasingly common in the world of work, particularly in hospitality.

A recent survey found that hospitality was the third highest sector in which perfect employees ghosting is occurring. Cutting all contact with a potential new employer (or employee) is becoming the norm, but why is it affecting hospitality so much?

In this article, we talk about the reasons, consequences and the solutions to ghosting in the hospitality sector.


Too Much Choice

In the hospitality sector currently, there is a wealth of positions for job seekers to choose from. Since the Brexit vote, general hospitality managers have seen a 54% decrease in the number of non-UK workers applying for roles.

This sharp fall in the number of applicants to hospitality roles means there are more empty positions than there are perfect employees to fill them.

Job boards are full of hospitality jobs, from bar assistant to head chef, and all over the UK. A candidate has plenty of options to consider; which they can afford to be picky.

This has created a mentality in the hospitality sector that jobs are easy to come by, and because of this, candidates are far less likely to have to depend on one job opportunity alone.


A Change in the Norm

Sadly, it is not just a problem in the hospitality sector that brought about ‘ghosting’ in the workplace – it’s a cultural phenomenon.

With the rise of the digital world, we have never been able to pick and choose who we connect with as easily as we can now. The lines between the real and the digital world have become blurred.

It was once considered a big step in the recruitment process to be in correspondence with a potential employer, but it isn’t such an unusual scenario anymore.

People are now changing jobs at a much higher pace than even a few short years ago. Especially in the hospitality industry, which is fuelled by a younger workforce. It is not seen as uncommon to have several jobs per year, and so the recruitment process is something many candidates have got used to, in short – it isn’t the scary experience it once was.

Two-Way Street

The trend of ghosting in the workplace causes frustration for those on the receiving end and perpetuates a system in which employer and employee continue to lose respect for one another.

However, it could be said that employers started the trend years ago. Poor employers have a name for not letting candidates know if they are unsuccessful even after the interview stage.

There is a shift in power from the employer to the employee in times when the economy grows. This LinkedIn article states that employees have learned this bad habit from employers. Failing to contact a candidate unless it was good news is one of the historical gripes job seekers report regarding the recruitment process.


How to Combat Ghosting

If you are a hospitality employer who has been ghosted, did you ever get the bottom of why? In the saturated hospitality market, the truth is that your candidate was probably given a more tempting offer.

Better communication between employer and employee can help reduce the risk of ghosting, as in the recruitment process, a lot can happen in a short space of time. Maybe the candidate was going to ‘get-round’ to calling and letting you know, but several days slipped by, and they decided against it. A catch-up phone call at any stage in the process can be a smart move.

If you’re a candidate guilty of ghosting; let the employer know. An email or text message is better than nothing. If you ghosted because the job offer was lacking in things which many other employers are offering, it is in everyone’s best interests to let them know.

Hospitality employers now have to offer more and more to retain the best staff, but some establishments have not kept up.

As hospitality recruiters, we are eager to reduce ghosting in the sector. It would not only benefit employers but employees too, as it would tighten up the whole recruitment process.



We know how hard it currently is to find great staff for your hospitality business. At KSB Recruitment we are specialist recruiters of top hospitality staff.

If you are looking to scale your business with great receptionists, bar assistants, supervisors and chefs, contact us with your brief today, and we can begin the search for you.

For more information on Catering and Hospitality Employment contact KSB Recruitment.


Dawn Bannister.

Who is Dawn Bannister

Dawn has over 30 years recruitment experience recruiting for the likes of Sainsbury’s plc, Holiday Inn, Barclaycard, ISS, Royal Mail, West Midlands Police and the NEC – to name a few. She also oversaw the company’s Investors in People accreditation in 1999 – (and held ever since) and has recently been selected to attend the prestigious programme run by Aston University’s Business Growth Programme.