Job Hunting When You’re Still Employed

Job hunting in catering

How To Find A New Hospitality Role While You’re Still Employed

If you’re job hunting for a new hospitality role this year, you’re not alone.

There’s never been a better time to search for a hospitality job. Not only are there more job opportunities available thanks to improved flexibility from employers, but the skills-short market means people like you are in high demand.

Now’s a great time to start looking for a position that matches your needs in regard to company culture, work schedule, and salary.

However, the time to start job hunting is while you’re still employed. Searching for a role when you’re currently employed elsewhere can be a tricky process, as the last thing you want to do is burn any bridges with your existing employer.

Here are 5 steps on starting your job hunting the right way.

Step 1: Keep Your Job Hunting Discreet

Discretion is key when you’re searching for a new hospitality role while you’re still employed. Although it might be tempting to speak to colleagues about your plans; don’t.

Being discreet about your job hunting doesn’t just mean keeping quiet at work. It’s important to think about how you’re interacting online too.

Don’t mention your job search on social media or set your LinkedIn status to “seeking work”. It’s best to avoid posting your CV on job boards too.

Not only can being overly vocal about your job search cause friction with your current employer, but it might tell future employers you’re not respectful of your roles.

Take a professional and discrete approach by registering with a Hospitality Recruitment Company before you do anything else. They will be able to chat through what you are looking for and assess the market for the role you want.

Step 2: Update Your CV

If you’re going to be looking for a new hospitality job this year, it’s important to ensure you have the right resources in hand. This could mean you take some extra time to update your CV and cover letter, focusing on adding your most recent achievements into the mix.

Speak to your recruitment company about the resources you should have available. This will improve your chances of being considered for a new job. This might include up-to-date character references or a portfolio of your dish creations.

Step 3: Approach Interviews Carefully

If you successfully apply for a new role and receive an offer for an interview, be cautious about how you approach this. Always schedule interviews outside of office hours. This eliminates the need to pretend to take time off for “appointments” at work.

Scheduling your interviews around your existing work hours will also ensure you can stay focused and productive when you’re on the job. Helping you to maintain a strong relationship with your existing employer. If you’re going to an interview after you’ve finished work, don’t change your outfit too much, as this can be a dead giveaway.

Let the person interviewing you know you need to keep the process discrete. It might also be worth letting them know when you’re likely to be at work, so you can avoid any overlap.

Step 4: Job Hunting on Your Own Time

Do you want to maintain a good professional reputation in hospitality? It’s important to demonstrate commitment to every role you take. Searching for a job when you’re on company time, shows disrespect, and could scare off future employers.

Avoid the temptation to review new job postings when you’re at work, or respond to messages from potential employers. If something needs to be addressed quickly, set time aside in your lunch hour, and get outside work so you can maintain your discretion.

Always make job-related calls away from work. Particularly if you’re scheduling an interview or need to ask questions about a new role.

Step 5: Continue to Excel in Your Current Job

Even if you’re tired of your current role, or unhappy in your hospitality job, it’s important to act professionally. It’s crucial to continue performing at the same level as usual. This will not only reduce suspicion but also leave your employer with a favourable memory of you when you leave.

Don’t allow yourself to “check out” because you’re planning on going somewhere else. Preserve your reputation and prove yourself to be a fantastic employee. This will be particularly important if your future employers decide to contact your previous manager at a later date.

Find Your New Role the Right Way

Searching for a new hospitality role while you’re still employed can be a complex process. In any situation, finding the right job can take significant time and effort. However, the process becomes a lot more challenging when you’re trying to balance your existing employment with your current job.

If you need help discretely searching for a new position, the best thing you can do is have a conversation with an experienced hospitality recruitment company.

They will give you an assessment of the current job market for the roles you are looking for. Look at your future goals and give you ideas on the best next steps.

They might even have the ideal role for you; everything starts with a discrete conversation.

If you would like a conversation about your options register here or call one of our friendly hospitality and catering recruitment team on 0121 314 9365 today! Find out more about how we work with candidates here.

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