How to Be an Integral Member of Your Hospitality Team

Catering recruitment agency placing skilled chefs in hotels

Have you just started a new hospitality job? Or perhaps you’ve been in your hospitality teams for a while but want to step things up a bit. If you’ve got your eye on a new position, or a promotion to a managerial position, first you need to master your current role.

In hospitality, thankfully, there are plenty of opportunities to progress. This fast-paced sector is one where promotion and progression opportunities come round quickly, and to be in with a chance, you first need to demonstrate that you are an integral member of your current hospitality teams.

If you’re working towards that ‘team leader’ or ‘manager’ job title to put on your hospitality CV so that you can start applying for those higher-paid roles – here is how to become an integral member of your hospitality teams to increase your promotion prospects.

If You’re New

In hospitality, being a new member of hospitality teams does not come with the same restrictions as many other sectors, and new members of staff can quickly be promoted if they show the right attitude.

If you’re new in your team, make sure you introduce yourself to everyone and make an effort to speak to your colleagues regularly. Ask them about their role, what they enjoy (and what they don’t) and get to know them.

When you have a rapport with your colleagues, this instantly gives you a better working relationship and allows everyone to do their job better.

Sometimes you will work with people who might not want to come out of their shell or to get to know you, and that’s fine. As long as you maintain a professional and civil relationship with everyone on your team, this will allow you to get through those busy, stressful periods together.

Finding your way around a new kitchen, hotel or restaurant can seem dizzying at first, but once you have got your bearings, there are ways you can quickly impress.

Is there a particular type of glass or cutlery that the floor always runs out of? Mention to your manager that you have noticed any shortfalls and that you’re concerned about the impact it might have on customer experience – no customer wants to be told the bar has run out of prosecco glasses!

Were there any processes that worked particularly well in your previous positions that you could implement – perhaps a way of storing checks, checking stock or even storage solutions?

As working in hospitality can be hectic, managers will always notice those members of staff who are attentive and go out of their way to continually improve the customer experience.

Helping Out

No matter how long you’ve been in your role, once you have a much better understanding of what each role entails, you will be aware of how well every team member can cope, especially in busy periods.

This means that you will be better equipped to help out when you see one of your colleagues needs some extra help; perhaps there is a build-up of orders at the drink station, or someone needs help dealing with a demanding customer while there’s already a queue.

Lending a hand to help the whole team like this at busy times is an invaluable characteristic in hospitality, and your manager will take note of this. And this is a two-way street – don’t be afraid to ask for help when you can see your section getting busier. It is always better to ask for help before things get very hectic, to prevent a meltdown in the kitchen or the bar.

Live Your Culture and Values

Hospitality is all about customer service, and so every hospitality organisation must have an ethos which puts customer values at the heart of the company.

And this should be something that every team member exudes when they come to work, although in reality, this sometimes doesn’t happen.

Notoriously stressful, sometimes hospitality kitchens, bars and counters can become fraught, which can lead to team members becoming stressed out and not delivering excellent customer service.

To become the vital cog your hospitality team is calling out for, you must be the one who keeps a cool head in every situation. Live your company culture and values, always put the customer first, stay away from workplace dramas and leave your personal life at home: always come to work with a smile on your face!

Work Hard

Finally – there is no shortcut to success. If you want to work your way through the ranks of your hospitality team or organisation, be prepared to put in the work.

Perhaps you’re a CDP looking for your first sous chef position, or you’re a waitress hoping to be promoted to supervisor when your current manager goes on maternity.

Working in hospitality can be tough – with long shifts and unsociable hours; but it can be extremely rewarding, too. It is those that work the hardest who will always be the ones that progress, and in some establishments, it can take as little as six months to get promoted to managerial positions – does that sound tempting? Take a look at the hospitality and catering positions we are currently recruiting for, and you could be on your way to a promotion sooner than you expected.



If you are looking for your next hospitality role and need some assistance in finding positions that are right for you – we can help. Get in contact with our team today or call us on 0121 702 1428 to discuss what you are looking for in your next role and find out how we can help.

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