Abuse Policy

Physical or Verbal Abuse Policy

General Statement of Policy
KSB Recruitment is committed to providing a safe environment for the people it services and
to preventing abusive conduct in any form. Every member of this organisation is responsible
for protecting the individuals we serve and ensuring their safety and well-being.

We will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse of any kind
The definition of physical or verbal abuse is “any incident in which a person is abused,
threatened or assaulted in circumstances related to their work”

KSB Recruitment has a duty of care to keep its staff safe from the abusive behaviour and
risks of being harmed by service users and “third parties” in the course of their work. “Third
parties” include relatives and friends of service users, visiting professionals, suppliers,
tradespeople and contractors.

KSB Recruitment’s default position is that its staff should always be treated courteously and
with respect for the work they are doing. They should not be subject to abusive behaviour in
any form, which includes:

  • rude, disrespectful and offensive behaviour, including derogatory remarks and
    disruptive acts amounting to verbal and emotional abuse.
  • sexually inappropriate comments and behaviour
  • racist and discriminatory abuse
  • threats of physical violence
  • aggressive and violent behaviour

KSB Recruitment considers that staff should be safe at work and should not be exposed to
undue or unreasonable risk. It believes that staff must work safely, free from the threat of
injury or distress from the abusive behaviour of others. It will not tolerate abuse in any shape
or form and will investigate all reported or observed incidents of staff being subject to
disrespectful behaviour or abuse.

Our staff reserve the right to end a call or finish an interview etc with immediate action if
deemed to be abusive and for any incidents to be reported to senior members of staff.

Company’s responsibilities

If the employee has had an incident of verbal or physical abuse that they wish to talk through
or take action on this should be reported to their line manager in the first instance.

If this incident needs to be taken further then it should be formally reported to management
using the company grievance procedure as outlined in the policy handbook.